Hello Local Igo/Ono community!
It would be of great benefit to the Igo Ono Irrigation District (and indirectly, the greater community) if you would take this survey.
The survey is public input for the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan creation process that the IOCSD is involved in.
FEMA requires a LHMP (Local Hazard Mitigation Plan) for a project to be considered for federal funds/funding. The Igo Ono Community Services District (irrigation district) has been included in Shasta County's 5 year LHMP renewal process, which is great for us in a variety of ways.
Please take a few minutes and take this survey organized by Shasta County.
**Warning** The survey is rather confusing.
- There currently is no "Submit Your HMP Survey Now" button at the end as described.
- Please comment in each comment section, and then hit the blue 'comment' button. Then proceed to the next comment section below.
- Including your name is optional. Please add name, or initials, or nickname, or leave blank.
Thank you
Board Of Directors
Igo Ono Community Service District